Disneyland Area Hotels
We Only Partner with Top Disneyland Area Hotels & Resorts
All of our featured hotels fall into the Disneyland Good Neighbor Hotels, which means they are located within Anaheim Resort District and walking distance to the Disneyland ticket booths at the main entrance.
Hotel Developers from around the world have been building beautiful, new resort hotels. We are a long way from the original row of small hotels dotted along Harbor Blvd. Fierce competition has forced hotel developers to design hotels with more family-friendly amenities to attract families with kids.
If fast WIFI is essential at your hotel, check with the hotels up and download speeds. Each hotel has different bandwidth packages.
Our featured Disneyland Hotels are among the highest-rated with the prices only available on WelcometoSoCal.com. The further out from your upcoming trip, the better the rates. Typically our rooms are priced at their lowest rates in the cycle about three months out from your trip date. Of course, summer and the Christmas Holidays are considered premium booking blocks, so the earlier, the better.
Disneyland Good Neighbor Hotels offer quick access to the parks, and more importantly, quick access back to your hotel when everyone is tuckered out.